The Artist’s Way
Hello, it's Rachel, sharing updates on all things happening in and around the Compo Arts studio!
In this monthly digest you will find more exclusive content around Compo's upcoming exhibitions and exciting collaborations in the art world.
For starters, we have a very exciting acceptance to be featured in the galleries of the Edward Hopper House Museum, the birthplace and family home of the renowned American artist. Compo’s “Red Light, Green Light” has been selected by the jury and Sabrina Blaichman, Director of Karma, the contemporary art gallery located in the East Village, to be a part of this year's Juried Members Exhibition.
When applying to the juried show, a new theme was presented for this year's artists to consider…“The Artist’s Way”. In his own words Hopper once expressed, “Originality does not reside in method, but is deeper seated in the personality and inner life of the artist."
What do you think? I agree with Hopper and believe this quote raises an interesting point regarding subject matter and process as it relates to the final image captured in a work of art. Another quote I found to be pertinent, especially as it relates to Compo's work is as follows…
“In every artist’s development the germ of the later work can be found in the earlier. What he once was, he always is.”
- Edward Hopper
Working with Charles has allowed me an exclusive look into the behind the scenes of his process and how he got to painting in the way that he currently does. As we prepare for a big and exciting move into a new studio space, we uncovered some of his earlier works. I was amazed to see how his technique has developed over the years and even more so, how the spirit or “germ” of his work has remained consistent.
Below I’ve included a selection of his earlier works and their evolutions over the years.
More Musings…
Dec. 9, 5 pm
On Mahagonny: A Presentation by Rani Singh
In honor of the current Harry Smith exhibit at The Whitney, Fragments of a Faith Forgotten: The Art of Harry Smith, Charles has been invited to speak on a panel with Rani Singh to discuss Harry's Film, Mahagonny at the Whitney Museum on December 9th at 5pm.
Charles Compo and Harry Smith, The Breslin Hotel, New York, 1980
Photograph by Scott Feero
Abstract National Exhibition at Mark Arts
Charles' painting, "A Cardinal Visits The Real People" has been accepted to the Abstract National Exhibition at the Gladys and Karl T. Wiedemann Gallery, hosted by Mark Arts. The opening reception will be held on January 5th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm, including remarks from the juror.
Swan Lake Acquired by Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum
More thrilling news! Following the Birds in Art 2023 Exhibition at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Charles's painting, "Swan Lake" has been acquired into the museum's permanent collection. The museum now houses two of his paintings in the permanent collection, the first, "Bad Birdie" was acquired last year.
Last but not least a special thanks to those who came out to the opening of “Objects In The Mirror” at Pictor Gallery last month!
Warm wishes,
Rachel Mondshine
Advisor and Assistant to Compo